Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cat and Rabbit - Outfit #2

The last few days have been quite warm, which is very nice since its January and is often very cold here. I literally can't wait until summer, I wish I could live somewhere where its warm all year long (sigh), but since we've lived here for the last seven and a half years it doesn't seem as though we will be moving anytime soon. Although, in a couple weeks my mom and baby sister are going on a two week vacation to Mexico! But sadly I was not invited (tear). The only place I have gone that's not in the USA is Canada; its about an hour away from where we live. I have also been to Germany when I was one year old ( I don't really remember it). So here is a list of places I would like to visit: Japan, Australia, Germany, England, and Spain.

This post was quite fun, in these pictures I am holding my bunny named Miette and the cat at my feet is named Truffle. These photos were taken in my backyard, so I apologize about the mess. I hope you enjoyed this post, where would you like to visit? xox